The Beginners Guide To Mixing Electronic Music & How To Get Your First Gig

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A few years ago I started a blog called The Beginners Guide To Mixing Electronic Music & How To Get Your First Gig.

The idea was to write articles about electronic music and how to get your first gig as a DJ or producer.

I wrote some articles and posted them, but I never ended up doing much with it. It’s still online if you want to check it out (click the link).

Recently I found myself wondering: is this the best way to use my time?

There are so many websites out there already, including massive ones like this one right here (I don’t mean Mixing Electroinc Music – there are plenty of other websites like this one).

There are also lots of sites out there that are about getting your first gig as a DJ or producer – there’s plenty of advice out there on how to do this.

To be honest, when I think back and remember why I started my blog it was because I thought I could make money from writing articles for Google. This is not really a good reason to start a blog and it wasn’t something that was going to happen anytime soon, if ever at all. In fact, now that Google has changed its search algorithm the website is getting less traffic than ever.

I created this website because I am passionate about electronic dance music and want to share my experience and knowledge with people who are new to this genre of music.

If you are reading this article then I assume that you may have recently started producing electronic dance music, whether that is through the use of computer software or mixing using turntables, CDJs or a controller.

I am going to teach you how to go from being a bedroom producer to performing in front of people at a club or festival – as well as teach you a few things along the way that will help you on your journey as an Electronic Music DJ and Producer.

First, we need to understand what an Electronic Music DJ is expected to do when they perform in front of an audience. This is an important step because it will give us some insight into what we need to learn and practice now in order for us to be ready for our first gig.

What does an Electronic Music DJ do?

So what does an electronic music DJ actually do? To put it simply, a DJ plays records for people who are dancing or at least listening intently. They create a musical atmosphere and keep people entertained by playing songs from start to finish – all while maintaining the flow of the set and keeping everybody happy!

Many people have asked me for tips on how to mix and master so here are my thoughts. I’m sorry that this is such a long post and there are quite a few things to learn.

I feel that most of the time, people confuse mixing with mastering. Mixing is not about adding mastering compressors and limiters to the master track, it’s about making all the sounds in a track play well together and sound good. Mastering is then taking that mixed track, which should sound great as it is and use compressors, limiters and EQ to ensure that it will sound great when played back on any system, at any volume.

You might think that if you are just starting out producing electronic music, mixing and mastering are not important. But I have heard some amazing tracks ruined by bad mixing or by no mastering at all. So here are my thoughts about both…

Mixing Electronic Music is more difficult than mixing in other music genres because of the way electronic tracks are made. Most of us are recording our sounds and then process them with effects and automation. This leads to a very busy mix. All these sounds, effects and automation fills up the whole frequency spectrum. Everything is either cutting through or hidden in the mix.

A lot of modern electronic music has a thin sound to it. That’s because we spend a lot of time shaping the single sounds and not enough time on creating a big soundscape. The most important thing is to get your track sounding full and clear at the same time.

Often a mixdown only comes together once you’ve experimented with the arrangement and structure of your track.

1.Start by inserting an EQ into your master channel.

2.Next, insert a limiter into your master channel.

3.Insert a compressor on the master channel if it is required for your track.

4.Now create a stereo auxiliary track in your DAW and stick a reverb unit on it to give your song some depth.

5.Next, add another stereo auxiliary track with a delay unit on it to give your song some movement.

6.Now add another stereo auxiliary track with a chorus or flanger unit on it to give some width to your song (this is optional).

7.Add a stereo auxiliary track with an exciter unit on it to give more presence to your mix (optional).

8.Now add an additional stereo auxiliary track with an enhancer unit on it to bring out the detail in your mix (optional).

Ok, so you have some songs made, but they sound like crap. You need to mix them. Mixing is the process of balancing all the elements of a song and making sure it sounds good. It can be the most frustrating part of the song writing process, and it’s probably where you spend most of your time.

Mixing can be an art in itself, so don’t worry if you don’t get amazing mixes right away. If you have a song that needs mixing, start with these tips:

– Don’t mix too loud. If you’re mixing at high volumes, your ears will fatigue easily and you won’t be able to hear your mix accurately. Turn down the volume to keep your ears fresh.

– Don’t rely on presets! You’ll never learn how to mix if you just pick a preset and call it done. Use presets as starting points and tweak them yourself.

– Make sure your highs aren’t too harsh! If you hear distortion or sibilance (the “s” sound at the beginning of words), turn down those frequencies until they sound more natural.

– If a sound doesn’t fit in the mix, try turning its volume down instead of EQing out all its highs or lows.

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