This is the first article in a seven part series on networking.
Networking is not just something you do to get a job, it’s much more than that. Networking is a way to grow your business and yourself. It’s about making contacts, gaining knowledge and exchanging information with other people. This can be done through personal meetings or through social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Networking may seem daunting at first but it becomes easier over time. You just need to keep an open mind and an open heart. The people you meet online are not always going to be the same ones you meet in person but they may share similar interests with you. If they don’t then don’t worry because they probably won’t be able to help anyway!
Here’s some tips for how best to network:
1) Do not try too hard! You don’t want people thinking that all you care about is getting their business card or how many followers they have on Twitter so keep it casual and friendly.
2) Be yourself – it sounds simple but being yourself will help others see past any false pretenses which may exist between them and you; this way there’ll be less chance of them feeling intimidated by your presence at all times!
3) Don’t just
Networking is an important part of succeeding in any business. If you want to expand your connections and further your company, you need to master the art of networking. A lot of people go wrong when trying to network. They misjudge how much time and effort it takes to make a real connection with someone that will help their business down the line. In order to become an effective networker, one must know the three most important skills that they need to exercise in order to effectively grow their business connections.
The first skill to master is communication. When networking with an individual or a group, it is important to know how to communicate effectively. Effective communication involves being able to listen and being able to respond appropriately. Communication also goes beyond listening and responding, however. One must also be able to maintain an engaging conversation as well as be able to have small talk when networking at events or conventions with people they may not know very well. To be a good communicator means having the ability to adapt depending on who you are talking with. Depending on their personality, you should change your tone, volume, speed and listening level in order for your conversation partner to understand what you are saying and for them to feel comfortable enough with you for the conversation not just be about business.
The most important thing you can do to make your networking effective is to get out of your office. The second-most important thing is to turn off your cell phone.
The typical business person is too busy talking to people they already know, when they could be meeting new people who might be able to help them. If you’re going to network, you’ve got to give up on the idea that it’s a waste of time unless it has an immediate payoff, because it may take months or years for your efforts to pay off. And even if you’re a very successful businessperson, that doesn’t mean you don’t need new contacts. Everyone needs more contacts; I know plenty of people who are worth millions and yet still find their businesses held back by lack of contacts.
You can get started meeting people in several ways. A great way is through alumni associations — most universities have them, plus trade schools and even secondary schools often do as well. If there’s a group or organization related in some way to what you do, join it and go to its meetings. And don’t just talk with people at the same level as you are — talk with everyone in the room. You never know who will have useful information or contacts for you — and if you only
Networking is hard work. You might think that it’s only a matter of going to a few parties and handing out your business card, but you are wrong. Networking takes effort and time. It takes patience, too. You may not see the benefits immediately, but they will come in time.
When looking for people to network with, start with your family and friends. Use your personal network first before going out into the world and meeting new people. The best contacts may be right under your nose! Also, consider joining a club or professional organization related to your field of interest. Never underestimate the power of word-of-mouth marketing. Remember: networking is about building relationships, not just making money!
Once you have made some contacts, keep in touch with them by sending an email or calling once every few months just to check in and say hi. Stay top of mind for future opportunities by sending out articles related to what’s happening in their industry or sharing interesting things you come across during your day-to-day life.
There are two ways that I know of to get ahead in business: you can work harder, or you can work the system.
I don’t mean “work the system” in the negative sense. I mean working the system as in, understanding how it works and then finding your place within it.
There are lots of books on how to do this: How to Win Friends and Influence People, The 48 Laws of Power, The Art of War, etc. If you’ve read these books (or at least How to Win Friends), then you have a good start on understanding the system. But if you haven’t yet read them, put this article aside right now and go read those books first. This article will make a lot more sense after you do.
Now that I’ve got your attention, let’s talk about networking.
Networking is an important part of being successful in business. It’s not only important for getting jobs and making sales; networking is also important for learning new things, keeping up with changes in your industry, staying abreast of competition, and so forth.
Networking can be a very successful business strategy if you go about it the right way. First, you have to establish a network of professionals that are relevant to your field or industry. The best way to do this is to get involved with professional associations or groups in your area. The professional associations in your area will be able to help you expand your network and set you up with events and conferences where you can meet other people in your line of work. Once you’ve begun joining these groups, it’s important that you begin attending their events. These events will provide you with the opportunity to make new contacts and learn more about how networking can benefit you.
The second part of networking revolves around maintaining the relationships you already have established. This means keeping in contact with the people in your network on a regular basis and attending their events as well. Even if they aren’t relevant to your career, keep these relationships active because they might be able to help out a friend or colleague of theirs who is looking for someone like you!
Networking is something that is a lot easier to do than many people believe. It’s not hard to write a letter or an email and it’s not time consuming. But you have to do it a few times before you start to see results.
The first step in networking is finding someone to network with. You can find people by looking at the websites of organisations you want to work for, or by talking to friends and family about the organisations they work for.
Once you’ve found someone you want to network with, the next step is making contact with them. You can do this by writing them a letter or an email asking them if they can give you some advice on how to get into the industry they work in. If you’re lucky, they’ll be happy to help and will respond with some tips and advice. If they don’t reply then try someone else.
The final step is following up on their advice. This means sending them another letter or email thanking them for their time, and asking if there’s anything else they can think of that might be helpful for your career prospects in the industry.”