6 Tips for Feeling Happy: A blog about feeling happy.
1. The first step to feeling happy is believing that you have the power to change.
2. When you start to feel unhappy, don’t wait too long before doing something about it.
3. You can’t always control what goes on outside, but you can always control what goes on inside.
4. You’ll never find lasting happiness until you learn to appreciate what you have instead of always longing for more.
5. It’s hard to feel bad when you’re grateful for all the blessings in your life.
6. Even though it may be hard sometimes, try to remember that every cloud has a silver lining, and every problem has a solution, and every mistake has a lesson in it.
I was recently asked by one of my email subscribers for advice on how to be happy. I thought this would be a great topic for a blog post, so I wrote six tips on how to feel happy, and published them in a blog post. This blog post was read by 1000 people, and many of the readers emailed me with amazing feedback. Some said they were able to feel happy after reading the post, while others said they were able to feel even happier than before!
Today we have a guest post by Dr. Paul Wong, a professor of psychology and a well-known expert in the field of meaning and happiness. He has been studying the nature of meaning and happiness for over 30 years. Here are 6 tips from Dr. Wong that can help you feel happier today:
1) Do something for others: It is widely known that helping others is good for your health and well-being. Helping others does not always mean acts of charity. It can be as simple as offering your seat to someone standing on the bus, or helping someone cross the street, or even smiling at people more often.
2) Reduce negative emotions: Negative emotions can drain away your energy and make it harder to enjoy life. Try to pay more attention to positive events in your life, and learn how to appreciate them more. You will find yourself much less bothered by negative events when you do so.
3) Express gratitude: Gratitude is another way of appreciating positive elements in your life, such as your friends and family, your health, or even just being alive today! Try keeping a gratitude journal where you write down 3 things every day that you are grateful for (you can use a notebook or even Microsoft Word!). You’d be surprised
Have you ever felt down and just didn’t know what to do? Here are some things that can help you feel better.
1. Tell yourself that it is okay to be down once in a while, and it is not a big deal.
2. Take deep breaths and think about something else for a few minutes.
3. Go for a walk or run if you can, or just move around if you can’t.
4. Talk to someone about how you feel: a friend, a family member, or even a counselor at your school or university.
5. Write down how you feel, or write down what is bothering you. Writing things down can help organize your thoughts and make them seem less overwhelming!
6. Remember that this feeling won’t last forever! Sometimes we all get overwhelmed or sad but thinking positively will help us feel better!
1. Practice gratitude
It is easy to get caught up thinking about what you do not have or what you wish you had. This exercise can help shift your perspective to what is already in your life, and it only takes a few minutes. Sit quietly and begin to think of things that you are grateful for. Start with the simple pleasures – a comfortable home, good food in the refrigerator, having a job/money to pay bills, health, family, friends etc. When you feel comfortable with this exercise, try thinking about more subtle things that you are grateful for – feeling gratitude for challenges which helped you grow as a person etc. The goal is to keep this practice going throughout the day and not just when you first wake up in the morning or before bed at night.
2. Exercise regularly
Exercise helps balance levels of serotonin (a mood elevator), endorphins (nature’s stress reducers) and other brain chemicals that affect moods. It also helps produce new nerve cells and increases blood flow to the brain. Any type of exercise will work; walking, cycling, running or using an elliptical machine are all great options! As little as 20 minutes per day can be beneficial.
3. Keep a journal
Find an outlet for any negative feelings
1. Focus on the positive.
2. Remember life is change.
3. Take time to relax.
4. Learn and laugh more!
5. Put yourself first (sometimes).
6. Be happy!
1. Surround yourself with good people.
2. Don’t hold grudges.
3. Remember that you don’t need to win every argument. Agree to disagree.
4. Make lots of time for leisure activities; don’t work all the time!
5. Exercise regularly and eat healthy food
6. Get enough sleep