There’s a Question You Need to Be Asking About Your Social Media Swag

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There’s a Question You Need to Be Asking About Your Social Media Swag

A blog about “swag” and how it relates to your electronic band.

By Madalyn Sklar

You’ve got it going on. Your electronic band is rockin’ the social media scene like a boss. Now you’re ready to take your swag game to the next level by giving away some goodies. But wait! Not so fast, pardner. Before you shell out those big bucks to print t-shirts and slap your Twitter handle on a mug, think about this: What exactly are you promoting? Your social media handles? Your website URL? That is so not 2016! I mean, what happens when your fan base grows and you change handles? Now suddenly you have a bunch of outdated swag items that no one wants. And what if your website changes or goes away all together? The new website doesn’t match up with the URL on the mugs you gave away last year. Bummer! Don’t be that band! Here’s an idea…

Instead of printing out shirts and mugs with “u r awesome @yourbandname,” consider adding value to your

Swag is defined as the way you or your organization conducts yourself in public. It’s not just about your website, but the way you present yourself through social media, the events you host, and other interactions. The field of electronic music is full of talent, so what does it take to stand out? Consider this an invitation to think about how your group’s swag can help you stand out from the crowd.

My name is Dee Rizor and I’m a graduate student studying strategic communication. I work with groups who are trying to build their brands and find their target audiences. For my thesis project, I’m working on developing a toolkit that can help small businesses and organizations develop their swag.

Your Electronic Band Needs Swag

The first thing to think about when building your brand is simple: what do you want people to know when they see something with your name on it? It may sound old-school, but it is crucial to have that message established before deciding on a logo or color scheme.

Why? Because your swag is your chance to show off what makes you unique – whether it’s a t-shirt with a funny quote from your last album or an interactive experience at

Swag isn’t just a word that means “cool” or “nice.” It’s also a word that describes all of those t-shirts, stickers, and other promotional items you see at concerts, conventions and all around the internet.

Swag is anything you give to someone that represents your electronic band. It’s important because it’s how you get your brand in front of people who may never have heard of you.

Swag isn’t just for fans, though. It can be used as an incentive for new band members to join your band, or to promote your band on social media.

Here are 4 ways you can use swag to grow your electronic band:

When you are trying to promote your electronic band via social media, you need to know as much as possible about what exactly social media is and how it works. This is the premise of this post and the reason why I am writing it. The problem that I have found with many electronic bands is they do not understand how important social media can be for their success, and more importantly, they do not understand how it works. Therefore, I have made a list of different things that you need to know about social media.

Here are some places where you can find information about social media:

Social Media: Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and LinkedIn

These are all great places for you to get information about your band. In fact, these are also great places for you to find out more about your fans. All of these websites allow you to add people as friends so that they can see what your music sounds like and what other people think about it. This is a great way to get new fans and followers on your page, which is something that is very important when trying to build up a following on the internet.

There are also many blogs out there that focus specifically on electronic music, so if you want to get more information on this genre, there are plenty of them

You’re a band. You’ve got a big show coming up. You’re selling your songs on iTunes, you’re doing the SoundCloud thing and Spotify, too. So… you probably have a website and maybe even a blog where you post pictures of your dog, talk about new songs, and occasionally make announcements about upcoming shows.

If you’re like most bands today, you use social media as much as possible to promote your music. And you probably know that if you play live shows, having merchandise at the show is an important way to promote your band and make some money while doing it. But are you asking the right questions about your merchandise?

So what do fans want?

The answer is pretty simple: they want something they can use on a regular basis that will remind them of your band every time they put it on or look at it. In other words, they want swag that is useful – not just some t-shirt with a picture of a microphone or some other random logo that has nothing to do with music or the band.

Sure, I get it – there are plenty of crazy people out there who will buy any old piece of junk with the name of their favorite band on it

You are in a band. You have social media accounts. You have a website and some merchandise. You have shirts, hats, buttons, and probably even uniforms. These items are called “swag”. When fans come to your shows, you give them out for free. If you have them, the fans will buy them.

We recommend giving away items that have value and making money on items that are not worth much money. By doing this you will take more time and effort to make products that are worth the most to your fans.

Consider the shirt. What is the point of a shirt? The shirt is a moving advertisement for your band or personal brand. What is an advertisement? An advertisement is a way to get people interested in buying your product or service. You still want to sell shirts, but you want to make sure they are worth something!

A big mistake many bands make is putting their name on a t-shirt that people already own and wear frequently. This gives away free advertising to people who already know about your band and reduces the chance of someone who has never heard of you seeing it!

We recommend creating unique designs on high quality shirts that fans would be proud to wear outside of concert venues and music festivals. These will

When you think about it, social media is amazing. It’s a way for a band to reach out to fans directly and keep them updated on what is going on in real time. It’s also a great opportunity for bands to advertise their shows and sell their music online – all without the aid of the record labels and promoters who have traditionally been a part of the music industry.

For some bands, this is enough. In fact, many bands have taken advantage of social media and created strong followings and fan bases as a result. However, there are other bands who want to take things one step further and use social media as a promotional tool.

This is where swag comes into play. Swag (also known as swag) refers to any merchandise that you can give away at concerts or shows that will help promote your band or musical project. The most common type of swag is stickers or t-shirts with your band’s logo on them, but there are plenty of other options available too. So how can swag help promote your band?

There are several ways in which swag can help promote your band:

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