The Best Electro Swing Albums of 2017. Now Is The Time To Get on the Swing

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Electro swing is not dead, and it never was! It’s true that the genre experienced a bit of a lull in 2016. We certainly had some great releases. But I’m looking back and realizing that it was simply the calm before the storm.

Electro swing exploded in 2017, with more and more people jumping on the bandwagon. Some of my favorite artists have come out with new albums and EPs this year, which makes me incredibly happy of course. But I’m even happier to see so many new artists experimenting and doing exciting things with electro swing.

Best Electro Swing Albums of 2017

The Best Electro Swing Albums of 2017

By: Tess Creasy

December 12, 2017

What better way to end the year than with a list of the best electro swing albums of 2017? This year has seen many talented artists emerge and produce some fantastic music. Some of these releases have sold well, others have garnered great reviews and some are just plain fun to listen to. I’ve been listening to a lot of music this year and for me there were some stand out albums. I’m not including compilations or EPs in this list; only full length albums. I’ve also limited it to 10 in no particular order. Click through the images below to see my picks for this year’s top electro swing albums.

Avocado Junkie by Little Bastard on Bandcamp

Avocado Junkie by Little Bastard on Spotify

The Adventurers Club by The Gentlemen Callers of Los Angeles on Bandcamp

The Adventurers Club by The Gentlemen Callers of Los Angeles on Spotify

Dancing on the Moon EP by Speakeasy Electro Swing on Bandcamp

Dancing on the Moon EP by Speakeasy Electro Swing on Amazon Music

Phonk Me Up II by Phonk d’or & Phear Phace on Bandcamp

It feels like I’m writing this article earlier every year. I used to be hard pressed to even find 5 albums in a year, but now I’m having to choose the best from a list of 20+ and it’s only the first week of December! We’ve had some absolute bangers released this year by everyone from new acts like The Speakeasies Swing Band and Dusty Stray, to old favourites like Caravan Palace and Parov Stelar. It’s been an amazing year for Electro Swing and we’re not letting it go without a big shout out to thank these artists for their hard work! Here they are, the best electro swing albums of 2017:

1. Caravan Palace – Chronologic

It was always going to be difficult for Caravan Palace to release an album that could top their last two brilliant albums, and Chronologic doesn’t quite make it there. Their new album is still excellent though and you can tell that they’ve worked very hard on it, particularly with the production level (which is higher than ever). The musicianship is also super impressive; this band are all incredibly

Spring is here, and so is the first list of the Best Electro Swing Albums of 2017. For those new to electro swing, you may be wondering how we came up with this list.

We picked these albums based on several factors:

1) The songs on the album are electro swing or related.

2) The songs are unique and memorable, and not just copycats of other songs in the genre.

3) The album has received positive reviews from trusted sources.

4) The album has received a lot of buzz and attention, or positively impacted the genre in some way.

5) We like them!

The year 2017 was a good one for electro swing. A number of great new albums were released by both well-established and up-and-coming artists. So what are the best electro swing albums of 2017? Let’s find out!

Only albums with original songs have been considered, not compilations or remix EPs. The list is in no particular order.

Candy Shop Mafia – Candy Shop Mafia

Candy Shop Mafia are back! It has been five years since the release of their first album, which made a big splash in the scene. Their second album, Candy Shop Mafia, is a worthy successor to the first one.

I’ll admit that 70s disco is not my favourite genre, but Candy Shop Mafia have managed to make it work well in electronic music. The songs are mostly upbeat and cheerful and you can’t help but dance to them. This makes for an excellent party record, and if you’re looking for an electro swing album for the dance floor, this is the one to get.

This is the second year of my ongoing project to make a list of the greatest electro swing albums. I started this last year because I wanted to write about how great these albums were and encourage more people to listen to them, but it was also a way for me to get back into writing. I’ve been a writer all my life and have written professionally as well, but it’s been so long since I’ve written anything that I needed an excuse.

I’m happy to see that this post got such a good reception, and I’m even happier that people are listening to these incredible artists. A lot of people don’t know about electro swing, or if they do they think it’s just a fad or that it’s not very good, but the truth is that there are many talented musicians in this genre who have produced some excellent music. The quality of electro swing is improving every year, and I think 2017 has been one of the best years for electro swing yet.

This year’s list includes a lot more albums than last year’s because there were so many great ones. But if you don’t want to read through an entire list, here are some recommendations:

Best Electro Swing Albums of 2017

Here are my picks for the best electro swing albums

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