How to Write a Christian Electronic Music Song

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A christian electronic music song can be the perfect way to praise the lord with a new style. Electronic music has become very popular in the last few years and so has christian electronic music.

Writing a christian electronic song is actually very simple. The most important thing is to get inspired, you will find inspiration in your own life, in the bible and also by listening to other Christian electronic music artists.

The first thing to keep in mind when writing your lyrics is that they need to praise God, worship God or ask for forgiveness or redemption. If you want to express yourself through your lyrics, write about how an event from your life (or someone else’s life) led you closer to God.

You can also get inspiration from reading the Bible; there are many stories that could be used for song lyrics. You don’t have to use them directly, just learn from them and try writing something original.

Listening to other Electronic Christian music artists will help you get a general idea of what works and what doesn’t. You don’t have to listen only to Electronic Dance Music but also check out other genres such as gospel hip hop, gospel reggae, gospel rock or gospel pop.

Writing a Christian Electronic Music Song can be fun and exciting, or it can be a struggle. It all depends on your approach. I have found that writing about my own personal experiences works for me. This is also the same approach that I use when writing a song for myself, or when I’m trying to write one for someone else.

Writing a Christian Electronic Music Song is actually quite simple if you follow these steps:

Step 1: Write down a list of things that you want to say in your song. Make sure that each line makes sense and has a logical flow from one to the next.

Step 2: Write down the parts of your lyrics that will be sung by someone else (like the chorus or the bridge).

Step 3: Write down any other parts of your song that you think might be helpful to include in your song (like an intro or outro).

Step 4: Write down what kind of mood or vibe you want to convey with your lyrics (such as happy/sad/funny/romantic).

Step 5: Write down what type of music you would like to play during this song (such as acoustic/electronic).

You may want to think about how your lyrics will sound when they’re being sung aloud

Christian electronic music is a type of music that is written to praise or worship God. It is usually done using synthesizers and other electronic instruments, such as drum machines or electric guitars. There are many different styles of Christian electronic music. Some of the most popular include: house, techno, trance, electro, ambient, industrial and acid jazz.

The first thing you will need to do before writing your song is decide what style you want to use. Do you want it to be fast paced? Do you want it to sound “electronic”? Do you want it to be relaxing? Once you have decided on a style for your song, then you can start writing.

When writing your song, make sure that the sounds are all in tune with each other. If they aren’t in tune with one another, then they won’t sound like they belong together and your song will sound messy. You should also try to keep the beat consistent throughout the entire song so that there isn’t any confusion when listening to it.

If at any point during the song’s creation process you feel overwhelmed, just take a break and come back later when you’re ready. Sometimes taking breaks can help refresh your mind and give new ideas!

It’s always a good idea to listen back

Writing a Christian electronic music song can be an easy and fun way to express your relationship with God. Christian electronic music is a style of music that is growing in popularity

1. Create your own style by combining different sounds and rhythms. Use the sounds you have to create something totally different. Try to come up with new sounds by combining drums, bass lines, and melodies that do not sound like anything else you’ve heard before.

2. Listen to other artists who are working in the genre of Christian electronic music and see what they are doing. Look for inspiration from different genres of music such as rock, pop, hip-hop, jazz and classical. Even if you don’t listen to these genres normally, listening to them will help you get ideas for your own songs.

3. Write lyrics that express your faith in Jesus Christ and/or convey a message about a particular topic related to Christianity. You want the message in your lyrics to be clear so that people know exactly what you are saying when they hear it.

4. Write lyrics based on something that has happened in life; this could be anything from an experience at work or school, a relationship breakup or even just some time spent alone thinking about things going on around us today!

5. Write down

Christian electronic music is a style of music that uses electronic synthesizers to create beats and melodies. It can be composed in all genres, but it is mostly found in electronica and hip-hop. Christian electronic music can be heard in many forms, including radio, television and even in church. This guide will show you how to write a Christian electronic music song.

1. Create the beat using a drum machine or with a computer program such as GarageBand or Acid Pro. The beat should have four bars of each instrument; kick drum, snare, cymbals and hi hats. For example:

Kick: 1-2-3-4

Snare: 3-4

Cymbal: 2-3-4

Hi hat: 1-2-3-4

If you are making the beat on GarageBand or Acid Pro, make sure that the tempo is set to 120 bpm (beats per minute) for a basic 4/4 house beat. Be creative with your beats! You do not want your songs to sound boring or repetitive!

2. Add bass if you want it. Use an oscillator to create bass that matches the key signature of your song (or just use the one I provided below). If you are

Most christian electronic music songs have a chorus. In the chorus, you introduce the main theme of the song, and then you repeat it several times.

In this article, I will provide an example of how to write a chorus.

The chorus is by far the most important part of a song. It’s where your audience will be able to “hook” on to your song and remember it.

A good tip is to use simple words in your chorus that are easy to sing along to.

Also, make sure that your chorus doesn’t rhyme too much. For example, if you’re talking about God, don’t say something like this:

God is great! God is good! Let us thank him for our food!

We can see that words with an “A” sound in them (like “great”) tend to rhyme more easily than other words (like “good”).



Start with a drum beat, or a chord progression.


Add the melody to fit over the chords or drum beat.


Decide what song structure you’re going to use. Common song structures include: Intro – Verse – Chorus – Bridge – Outro and Intro – Verse – Chorus – Verse 2 – Chorus 2 – Bridge – Outro (a typical pop structure)


Write the lyrics and melody for the intro. Some people prefer to start with this section before writing the main verse and chorus, but it’s really up to you. Often times the verse or chorus will dictate what the intro sounds like, so it’s easier to write that first and then go back and write an intro that fits well with it. It’s a good idea in this step to also decide on how many bars your intro is going to be. Many songs will have an intro of 8 bars, followed by 16 bars of verse, and 32 bars of chorus, but there is no rule for this as long as everything works musically together!


Write the lyrics and melody for the verse. This is usually where you introduce your subject matter (the story you are trying to tell). Sometimes a song might have multiple verses

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