If you’re reading this, it’s likely that you want to start producing electronic music. A lot of people get into producing because they love a certain genre of music and want to make music that sounds like the artists they love. Unfortunately, most of these people will never be able to make their dream music because they don’t have the right software or hardware or the know-how to use it.
If you want to make electronic music, first you need a DAW (Digital Audio Workstation). This is the main program that you will use to write your music. Most DAWs are available for both Mac and PC nowadays and some are also available for Linux. The most popular DAW is Ableton Live, but there are many others out there too like Logic Pro X, FL Studio, Bitwig Studio, Cubase, Reason, Reaper and many more. Some of them are free while others can cost between $100 – $500+.
There are also different kinds of DAWs depending on what kind of work you want to do with them. If you want to do live performances using a laptop with a controller or keyboard then Ableton Live is the best choice for this. If you plan on doing more studio work then Cub
I get a lot of questions from people who want to start producing electronic music. I’m not an expert, but I have a good idea about what it takes to get started. So here’s my advice:
First off: to make good music, you need to be able to play an instrument and know how to sing. The same goes for producing electronic music. You don’t have to be a virtuoso on the piano or guitar, but you should have some basic knowledge of the fundamentals of melody and harmony.
This is not something you can learn online. It’s something you have to learn by doing it in real life. Look for a teacher if you don’t already know someone who can help you out with this. Another option is to start playing an instrument yourself, but that takes time. It also requires discipline, which is something most people don’t have these days.
To make electronic music you don’t need any special instruments or software (though they do help), but you do need some basic knowledge of sound and music theory, as well as some level of proficiency at playing an instrument (piano, guitar, etc).
You can learn the fundamentals of sound and music theory
Have you ever listened to a piece of music and thought, “Man, I wish I could make something like this!”? The truth is, there are probably millions of people just like you who want to start producing electronic music but don’t know where to begin.
In this blog post, I’m going to give you the tools you need to get started making electronic music today…
Electronic music production has become more accessible than ever. With a computer, an internet connection and some inexpensive music gear, you can get started making your own beats.
While there are dozens of different ways to produce electronic music, most producers start out with a few basic pieces of gear. Here’s what they are, and how they all fit together to make a song.
Producers use Digital Audio Workstations (DAWs) to create their songs. The software is used to record, arrange and manipulate audio files in order to create new sounds that can be later mixed with other sounds in order to create a song.
Some of the most popular DAWs include Ableton Live, Logic Pro, FL Studio and Cubase. They come with a wide range of features but share the same basic functions that allow us to record, arrange and mix our songs.
The great thing about DAWs is that many of them come with virtual instruments that emulate the sound of real instruments like pianos, drums or even synthesizers.
The days of music producers spending endless hours in their studio are slowly but surely coming to an end. Today, you can get started within minutes with the right tools and the right knowledge.
In this article, you’ll learn what gear and software you need to get started producing electronic music. You’ll also learn how to get started making your own beats.
There are a lot of different ways to make music, but there are certain tools that every producer should have:
Making music is fun. It’s also hard work.
I’ve been producing electronic music for 10 years and have performed as a DJ in New York, Berlin, Moscow, and more than 20 other cities around the world. I’ve seen producers at all levels of experience struggle with the same issues time and time again.
If you are just starting out with music production, these are the questions that most likely brought you here:
What do I need to get started?
What equipment should I buy?
How do I use my equipment?
How do I make my first track?
How can I make it sound better?
What should I do next?
If you can’t get enough of the bass-heavy boom of electronic music, and like to geek out about how the best tracks are made, you might be thinking about making your own. I’ve put together a short guide for beginners here.
First, what you’ll need:
1. A computer: I’m going to assume you already have one. If not, stop reading this and go buy one first.
2. Audio software (a DAW): There are tons of options out there, some free and some not. If you’re just starting out and have no idea what you’re doing, start with a free one like Audacity or Ardour and work your way up to something like Ableton Live (which is what I use).
3. An audio interface: This allows your computer to accept analog sounds from different sources (microphones, keyboards, etc.). It’s helpful but not necessary if you’re making electronic beats using presets in Ableton or similar programs – if that’s the case, just use your computer’s built-in microphone jack. You’ll need an interface as soon as you want to record live instruments though (including vocals), so I recommend getting one sooner than later.
4. A MIDI controller: This could be a