Christian Electronic Music- The Current State: A blog that covers Christian Electronic Music such as chiptune, retrowave and vaporware.
Christian Electronic Music – The Current State
Christian Electronic Music- The Current Stage: A blog that covers Christian Electronic Music such as chiptune, retrowave and vaporware.
Christian Electronic Music – The Current Stage is a blog run by Alex E and John P. Both members of the post-rock band, “God is an Astronaut.”
Our goal is to be a resource for all things Christian electronic music related. We will also feature content from other Christian artists as well.
We hope that you enjoy our content as much as we enjoy writing it. Thank you for visiting!
You can reach us via email at: contact (at) christianelectronicmusic (dot) com
In the past decade or so, the Christian electronic music scene has been growing slowly but surely. We now have a small variety of labels, artists and websites dedicated to promoting this music. But compared to the secular side of things, we are still very tiny.
It’s not surprising that there are so few christian artists considering how much effort it takes to get noticed on this scene. Unlike chiptune and related genres, pop music doesn’t need special equipment or software to make or perform it. Pop stars don’t need to do their own sleeves or design and code their own website. They don’t need to worry about printing t-shirts and stickers and pressing CDs. They can focus on making music while someone else handles the rest. This means that most christian artists are doing everything by themselves, which is a lot harder than doing just one thing well.
I think that’s why there is no big Christian electronic label like Tooth & Nail for rock, Reach for rap or Gotee for pop & urban artists. I doubt that any label would be interested in signing an artist if they couldn’t use them for other styles as well. And that means that if you want to promote your chiptune/vaporwave/retrowave project, you
The Christian Electronic Music scene has really blossomed over the last few years. I seem to remember the first time I saw a retro-synth artist who was also a Christian was back in 2005. The album was “The Hidden City” by Matt Borghi (A.K.A Eight Song). There are a lot of people who have contributed to the scene over the years, and some great music has come out of it.
My goal is to give you an overview of what is currently happening in the Christian electronic music scene, focusing on artists who are making their music available for free or at a budget price. This is the current state of CEM (Christian Electronic Music) as of July 2018.
Christian Electronic Music is a term used to describe the vast amount of electronic music that has been made with Christian lyrics and themes. For many years, Christian music was dominated by rock and pop, however in recent years we have seen a rise in popularity of artists creating electronic music both for the general public as well as for Christian audiences.
Christian Electronic Music has been around since the early days of synthesizers, but has only truly gained traction in recent years. It’s predecessor, Gospel music can be dated back to the 1930s. While Gospel music is predominantly vocal based, it did not take long for musicians to begin experimenting with electric instruments such as organs, pianos and electronic amplifiers.
One of the earliest examples of electronic music in a religious context comes from 1968 when French composer Pierre Schaeffer released his “Messe pour le temps present”. This suite combined traditional Catholic elements (such as Gregorian chanting) with electronic sounds. The result was a diverse and experimental album that was both beautiful and disturbing at times.
Today there are countless artists making Christian Electronic Music in a variety of different genres. Artists like David Koehser (who makes instrumental chiptune under the name “Pineapple”) have found success outside of the Christian market while still creating
Christian Electronic Music, or Christian EDM as it is sometimes referred to, is a genre that can’t be ignored. It has grown from small roots and blossomed into a genre with some big name artists, such as R3D, George and Jonathan Thulin.
It is a genre that has developed through the internet. The use of YouTube and Soundcloud have been very important in the development of the current scene that we see today.
The first exposure I had to Christian Electronic Music was hearing Skillet’s “Monster” on the radio. It was my first introduction to the genre and I became hooked instantly. I started searching for more Christian electronic music. What I found was a bunch of artists who were creating music in their bedrooms on their computers. They were creating remixes of popular songs and posting them onto YouTube for free.
I then decided to start a blog which was dedicated to this genre of music. My aim was to spread the word about this new underground scene that was developing at real speed and bring together all the different artists who were playing their part in it’s development.
The reason why it is so popular right now is because of its accessibility. With technology advancing so rapidly and becoming more affordable, it is easier than ever for musicians to create