Welcome to Best 90s Techno on Spotify. We update regularly with a selection of the best new and classic techno tunes. You can browse through the playlists by clicking on the image below or you can search for specific artists or tracks by using the search bar at the top of this page.
90s electronic dance music. It’s the best. For those of you who enjoy electronic music and like to listen to it on Spotify, I made a list of the best 90s Techno on Spotify.
This is my personal list with the best 90s Techno on Spotify. It’s updated every day so if you like techno check it out: https://open.spotify.com/user/11155598237/playlist/5O6iJfbY7bz0F9cR9LRH0G
I will be posting some articles about techno music in this blog too, so if you like techno check it out: http://best90stechnoonspotify.blogspot.com/
Welcome to the ‘Best 90s Techno’ Spotify playlist.
This playlist is dedicated to tracks from the 90s, which were selected in order to create a relaxing and/or partying atmosphere.
The music was arranged with a range from “more relaxed” to “party mood” in mind and also covers different genres of techno music.
I hope you’ll enjoy it!
The 90s was a golden age for techno music. Here is a collection of the best 90s techno songs on Spotify.
The 90s is one of my favorite decades, and techno music is my favorite genre. In fact, 1/3 of all the playlists on my Spotify account are 90s techno songs.
My friends have been making fun of me for being so “into” a type of music that they don’t consider cool. But I’m here to tell you that if you like techno music, you should be proud.
I’ve been listening to 90s techno music since I was in middle school, and even today I still can’t get enough of it!
My love for the genre started when I got the album Techno Boogie Vol 2 for Christmas from my mom. That album changed my life forever (and yes, it still exists on Spotify). I couldn’t get enough of the beat, the bass line, and the synths. From then on out I knew that 90s techno would always be a part of me.
If you like the music of the 1990s and want to listen to it on Spotify, this page is for you. This site has a collection of the best electronic music from 1990s available in Spotify. It is updated daily, so if you are looking for a fresh song for your playlist, here you will find it.
This site does not store any files on its server. All music is provided by Spotify and Soundcloud services which have premium account. If you do not have an account with these services, you can create your own account at Spotify and Soundcloud or listen to the music directly at this website without registration.
There’s some great 90s techno on Spotify – check it out:
Also, if you like the kind of music that inspired me to create this playlist and want to find out more about it, you can read my blog about 90s techno at http://90stechno.wordpress.com – I’ll be updating and expanding it regularly, so put it on your RSS list!