“If you’re interested in making dance music of any genre, it is essential to have at least a basic understanding of retro synths and how important they are to the evolution of electronic music as we know it.
The best retro synths ever made and why you need them in your next track. The best retro synths ever made, and why you need them in your next track. The best retro synths ever made, and why you need them in your next track.
A blog about retro synths, with a focus on the music genre of dance.”
It’s no secret that we, as a community, are totally and utterly obsessed with synthesizers. Whether it’s the classic, famous MiniMoog or the more obscure Roland SH-101, there are just so many models to choose from! There are so many options for synth lovers that it can be extremely difficult to pick a favorite.
That is why we have compiled a list of the best retro synthesizers ever made and why you need them in your next track. The list is ordered from most to least iconic. Number ten on this list is still one of the most beloved synths in history. Number one is an absolute legend. So, without further ado, here they are:
10) Oberheim OB-X
9) Roland Juno-60
8) Korg MS-20
7) Roland TR-909
6) Moog Prodigy
5) Sequential Circuits Prophet 5
4) E-mu Emulator II
3) Moog Minimoog Model D
2) Roland TB-303
1) Yamaha DX7
The 1970s was a fantastic era for electronic instruments. It was the decade when the first polyphonic analogue synthesizers were invented. This period also saw the emergence of the first truly portable electronic musical instruments, such as the Minimoog and ARP Odyssey.
Today, retro synths have become increasingly popular as a way to create that authentic 70s sound. But with so many classic models out there, it can be hard to know where to start.
Fortunately, we’ve done the legwork for you and come up with our top five retro synths from this iconic decade. Each one is different in its own way, but all of them are capable of producing some incredible sounds.
If you’re creating electronic music, then without a doubt you’ve heard of at least a handful of the synths mentioned here.
These synths have made their way into countless club hits and featured on records by some of the most prolific pop artists to date. They’re versatile, they’re iconic, and they are some of the best synths ever made.
Obviously there are a ton more than what we’ve listed here, but we wanted to keep this list short and sweet.
What vintage synth do you have in your setup? Did we miss it in our list? Let us know in the comments below!
You’re late to the party, but you’ve finally decided to take the plunge into using analog synthesizers. This can be a bit of an overwhelming experience. There are so many synthesizers to choose from, and they are all different.
There’s a certain sound that is associated with disco and it’s an essential ingredient in the mix if you want to do the dance justice. The Moog Minimoog is probably the most famous synth of all time (at least for now). It has a very distinct sound that can be heard on countless recordings over the years. Here’s one you may have heard:
In this blog I’ll be doing my best to provide some examples of what these synths sound like, so you can get an idea of what each one sounds like and what it will sound like in your own track. You’ll also find links to buy each synth on eBay (I’m not affiliated with any of these sellers, but they are good at what they do). I hope this will help you make a better decision when buying your next synth!
Here’s some more information about me:
My name is Michael Rios and I am a musician, producer and composer based in London, UK. I started making music in 2009 and have been playing
The best of the 70s electronic synths are still in demand today. The sounds that these synths produce have not been duplicated by modern technology, and many producers feel that retro is the way to go. With this technology being so old, you can get some of the best gear for cheap.
The best of the retro analog synths are still in production today. Moog’s Minimoog is a classic among synthesizers. It was first produced in 1970 and was used by everyone from ELO to Herbie Hancock. The sound from these instruments is known for its warm analog tone. Many new artists have tried to emulate this sound but there’s nothing like the original thing!
The next synth on our list is Roland’s SH-101. This synth has a bit more functionality as it offers both monophonic and polyphonic modes. It also offers pitch bend along with portamento control over notes played on it–two features that make up what we call “analog” style synthesisers today!
The last synth we’re going to talk about here is Korg Poly-800 MKII which came out in 1985 but has since been discontinued due to lack of popularity among musicians at large (and rightly so–it doesn’t sound very good
The 70s were an exciting time for electronic music. It was the time when musicians discovered synthesis and started to use it in their compositions. It is a period which is now often referred to as the Golden Age of Electronic Music, and there are very good reasons for that. During this era, electronic musicians really started to push the boundaries of electronic music and created sounds that were completely new and unique.
In this article, we will take a look at some of the best synths from the 70s that are still used today. We will also talk about the history behind them and why they are so great.
In the late 70s, many synths had already been made by several companies. But there were two in particular that stood out as being among the best: Roland and Yamaha. These two companies were both founded around the same time (in 1972) and they both made a number of very popular synths during this decade.