the 5 commandments of Arabic Electronic Music

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The 5 commandments of Arabic Electronic Music


1. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the sound, but don’t overdo it, go too far and you will lose your audience.

2. Remember that sound is everything. Even if the lyrics are good, something about the sound has to grab you first.

3. The song has to be catchy and easy to dance to. For example, good examples for this would be DJ’s like Tiesto and David Guetta; they combine great beats with good lyrics that are catchy and easy to sing along to.

4. Although not crucial in making a successful song, having a music video that goes with it is a plus. The video needs to be fun and have a good message that relates to the song or enhances the easy-listening quality of your song.

5. Lastly, having an interesting story behind the song never hurts either! If there is no story behind the songs though, then try and make one up! It makes things much more interesting!

Arabic Electronic Music is one of the fastest growing genres on soundcloud. Artists such as Rami Tarek, Medeline, and Omar Shaker have pioneered the scene by bringing together middle eastern sounds and electronic beats. We break down the five commandments of Arabic electronic music to help you understand what makes this genre so popular.

1. Don’t Be Afraid To Be Inspirational:

Don’t be afraid to be inspirational. Arabic Electronic Music should always contain elements of inspiration and hope, but should also offer a message of positivity and optimism. If you can keep your audience inspired throughout the release, you will find that your tracks will get more plays and more followers will want to follow you on SoundCloud.

As an artist in this genre, it’s important that you are using positive lyrics and uplifting melodies to deliver your message, even if it’s just a little bit at a time. Arabic Electronic Music has always been known for its uplifting vibes, so make sure that you stay true to your roots while making new music!

2. Don’t Overwhelm Your Audience With Too Much Information:

One of the most common mistakes artists make when they’re trying to promote their tracks is overwhelming their

Arabic electronic music is a completely new genre of music. It is a blend of different kinds of music like Arabic, EDM, techno and rap. The concept of this kind of music has become popular in recent years. The different types of Arabic electronic music are very interesting and exciting for the listeners.

The following are the five commandments for making Arabic Electronic Music:

1. Do not overdo it

Use the right amount and don’t overdo it with your songs. This will make your song sound boring after a while, and you definitely do not want that.

2. Use the right instruments

This is one of the most important aspects of making a song successful. If you use too many instruments in your song, they will drown each other out, so take care to use just enough to make the song sound good without cluttering things up.

3. Don’t use too many words in your lyrics

The lyrics can be used to explain what you mean in your lyrics, but if there are too many words, it can turn off some people who listen to them because they won’t know what it means or how to pronounce them correctly. So keep it simple!

4. Be creative with your

Welcome to the first post in the new blog on arabic electronic music. We’ll be covering a lot of ground in this introduction, so get comfortable and prepare for a bumpy ride.

1. The first statement we need to make is that Arabic electronic music has been around since the 1970’s, with one of the earliest artists being Omar Khorshid and then later artists such as Mohammed Abdul Wahab, Umm Kulthum, Farid Al Atrach, and Abdel Halim Hafez.

2. The differences between these two types of music are very obvious. Very often people confuse the two types of music because they both have their origins in Arabic culture and history. However, there is an important distinction that must be made between the two: Arabic electronic music generally refers to traditional Arabic music compositions made using computers to produce them (which means that you can’t really play these pieces in a traditional way), whereas modern Arabic electronic music encompasses any kind of techno/trance/electronic music produced by an Arab artist (or group). As mentioned above, these two types of music are completely different from each other and should not be confused with each other. In addition, they also have very different goals in mind when they create their respective sounds

I often get asked by various producers why it is so hard to make a “hit” Arabic Electronic Music. I thought I would take the time to elaborate on some of the things that I have learned in my 15 years of experience in the industry.

1. Arab people aren’t into “EDM” (Electronic Dance Music)

2. English lyrics don’t work

3. The music needs to be authentic and different from Western music

4. The vocals need to be sung by a singer who is well known in the Arab world

5. The genre of music needs to be unique to the region

1. Thou shall not sing in Arabic!

(at least most of the time)

English is the language of the future and it’s the language that all Arab youth speaks, thinks and dreams in. In the same way it’s essential for non-Arabic speaking countries to use English as a means for global success in music, so does it apply for Arab countries, who have adopted English as their main medium of communication. Singing in Arabic is a very sensitive topic, as many people see it as an act of cultural imperialism and a means to get rid of your own culture. But singing in Arabic today is simply useless, because not only will you not be understood by most of your audience, but also because you’ll miss out on a huge potential fan base.

2. Thou shall sample Western music liberally!

One of the best and easiest ways to be successful in your new genre is to sample other successful artists’ music. Sampling doesn’t mean just lifting old songs wholesale or dubbing them with some new lyrics (that’s called plagiarism), but rather taking small bits from many different artists and incorporating them into your own original music. This can be anything from a rhythmic loop from a pop song, to an instrumental melody from another artist’s

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