Relaxing Electronic Music: a blog about relaxing electronic music and how to write like it that helps you calm down while also learning more.
Relaxing Electronic Music is a blog that focuses on the topic of writing like relaxing electronic music. We help you relax while also learning more.
Relaxing Electronic Music is a blog about relaxing electronic music and how to write like it that helps you calm down while also learning more.
I want to make the world a better place. This has always been my goal, so I made this blog to help people who are feeling stressed out by giving them tips on how to relax using music and other methods of relaxation.
Welcome to Relaxing Electronic Music! I’m glad you’re here. My name is Marissa and I love listening to music that makes me feel relaxed. I started this blog because I wanted to share my passion for electronic music with others who may not know what it is or how much fun it can be!
My goal with this site is simple: To provide helpful information on the topic of relaxing electronic music so that others will find it useful too! I hope you enjoy your visit here today and please feel free to leave any comments or questions that come up as you explore our pages.”
Relaxing Electronic Music is a blog about relaxing electronic music and how to write like it that helps you calm down while also learning more. It is written by a person who cares deeply about helping people relax and write better.
You can read it from newest to oldest or from oldest to newest. Or somewhere in the middle, or in whatever order seems interesting to you. It’s OK; there’s no wrong way to read this blog. You can also subscribe via RSS if you want, which is nice of you.
If you send an email, it will be read and appreciated, but I can’t guarantee that I’ll reply right away.
Electronic Music is a relaxing, mellow blog about the art of listening to relaxing music. It is designed to help you calm down while also learning more about the world of music. This is a place where you can learn how to compose, listen to, and enjoy music.
We’re all familiar with the kind of music that’s made to help you concentrate – classical, instrumental, no words. But what about electronic music? What if you find classical music boring or irritating?
There’s a whole subgenre of electronic music for relaxing that doesn’t get much attention. I think it’s great, and I’ve written this blog to try to explain why.
To write like it, you have to use a really basic vocabulary. There are a lot of words that sound smart but don’t mean anything. For example: “The artist manipulates the sonic palette in such a way as to evoke a sense of tranquility…” That sounds good, but what does it mean? Writing is communication. If you want your reader to understand what you’re saying, you have to avoid using big words when small ones will do.
In this blog, I write about relaxing music, how it is made and how to write it.
I am a composer and engineer specialised in sound for relaxation and meditation, so I can help you with any kind of questions regarding these topics.
The most important thing about music for relaxing is that it be relaxing. This is a tricky concept to define, because everyone is different and everyone relaxes in different ways.
For some people, music with lots of dissonance and irregular rhythms can relax them. For others it’s the opposite. Some people like fast-paced music that sounds like you’re in a hurry, while others find that nervewracking. But in general, most kinds of music are at least as likely to relax you as stress you out.
I’m going to talk about one kind of music in particular: electronic music that sounds like it’s being generated by a synthesizer. It might be called “ambient” or “chillout” or “lounge” or “electronica” or something else; it might have vocals or not; but the defining characteristic is that it sounds like it was created electronically.
Other kinds of electronic music may also work for you, but there are two reasons I’m talking about this specific genre: first, because it’s what I’m familiar with; and second, because I think this kind of music has a lot of advantages over other kinds when it comes to relaxing.