Our New Album
We’re excited to announce that our new album will be released this March! Check out the tour dates below:
March 1st – Los Angeles, CA
March 3rd – San Francisco, CA
March 5th – Seattle, WA
March 8th – Austin, TX
We can’t wait to share our new album with you.
So what sort of music is it? What are you going to call the album?
It’s hard to describe the sound of a band that hasn’t recorded anything yet. There’s some very obvious influences, like Radiohead and Nine Inch Nails, but I think we’re moving towards a sound that will be more unique than those bands. We’ll probably call the album “Tropical Depression”.
The first single will be “Bizarre Love Triangle” by New Order.
I hope this blog helps us connect with our fans. Or maybe we’ll make new fans through this. Either way, hopefully this will be a fun ride for everyone!
As the new album is completed we are finalizing the plan for its release. The first single will be released early next month, with the full album to follow a few weeks later.
In the meantime we thought you might like to see some of the working behind the scenes for making this album. So we are starting a blog where you can get regular updates and insights into what went on behind the scenes when making this album.
We’ll post more details of exactly how it will work over the next few days. In the meantime if you have any questions please drop us an email at info@example.com.
The Electronic Band is a progressive rock band. We are currently working on our third album, titled “The Return of The Electronic Band.” Our previous albums were titled “The Birth of The Electronic Band” and “The Rise and Fall of the Electronic Band.”
We have been recording in our own studio for the last 18 months. We have developed an interesting recording technique which allows us to break down the songs into individual pieces, record them separately, then reassemble them using various computer programs (like a sort of musical jigsaw puzzle).
We believe that this album will be our finest work yet. It will contain 12 tracks, each with its own unique sound.
We call our new album “Rise”. It will be out on November 10th and you can pre-order it from today on. The first single “Bring The Light” will be available as a download for everyone who does so. However, only the first 1000 people get the limited edition artwork by Stefan Strumbel for free.
We chose this really special packaging because we wanted to give something back to our fans…and because we are just so excited about the new record!
To celebrate the release of the album we will be playing a few shows in Germany and Austria in November. You can find all the dates on our Tour Dates page or on Facebook. In December we will also be in London and Berlin, so make sure you check out those gigs if you are around!
Electronic Band Inc. is proud to present our new album ‘In The Grass.’ We are excited to debut this album on the first of March at the famous music club, Under The Sun.
We have been working hard on the songs since last September and hope you will enjoy the result of our hard work!
You can pre-order a copy here: www.electronicbandinc.com/preorder or get it at a store near you starting March 1st!
We are excited to announce the release of our first new album in five years. Astute fans will notice that this is different from the last album we released five years ago, which was indeed our first new album in five years at the time.
It’s been a long time coming and boy have we got some songs for you!
We are not going to say that this is our best album ever because that would be an insult to your intelligence and we value you too much for that. Instead, what we will say is that it is significantly better than all other albums on the market today.
There’s a wide range of styles on the album but everything sort of comes together at the end in a way that can only be described as “neat”. So here’s to a very talented team of people who made this happen!