Match Your Clothes To Your Climate: How To Dress For Different Climates + Common Sense Advice.
A blog talking about dressing to match the climate as well as explaining the importance of layering and common sense when it comes to style.
The story behind this blog post is that I was having a discussion on Facebook with a few friends about clothes, fashion and style and how it changes depending upon where you live in the world. The fact that we all live in different cities and towns from each other means we all experience different temperatures, weather conditions and climates. This is something that we must take into consideration when dressing ourselves in order to be comfortable.
This is not about whether you look fashionable or not because if you are dressed appropriately for the weather then you will indeed look fashionable anyway! What I am talking about is what I call Common Sense Fashion: The kind of fashion which enables you to look good whilst being comfortable at the same time.
Match Your Clothes To Your Climate: How To Dress For Different Climates + Common Sense Advice
So it’s winter! And, depending on where you live, that means different things. It may be snowing, raining, sunny or windy. Or all of the above.
However, winter is no excuse to look like a bag lady. You can still look stylish while being warm and comfy. The secret is layers!
“But how do I layer without looking bulky?” you ask. “What if I’m not sure how to dress for the weather?” Don’t fear! Let me walk you through the essentials of layering, so you can look stylish and stay warm when the temperature drops.
You may be wondering why I am writing a blog post about dressing for various climates. The truth is, I am not only an image consultant, but also someone who is always looking to travel the world. In my travels, I have discovered that the best way to travel comfortably and look good while doing it is by understanding the art of layering.
I recently went to Paris and found myself quite chilly while walking by the Seine. So, I put on a scarf, a jacket and a hat and was comfortable again. Had I been wearing just a t-shirt, it would have been extremely uncomfortable. In fact, many people I saw barely had clothes on in comparison to what I was wearing and they looked miserable because of it!
This is why dressing for your climate will help you stay comfortable no matter where you go or what you do. You see, different climates require different outfits in order to stay comfortable and practical. That is the beauty of learning how to layer because you can always add or subtract clothes as needed depending on how warm or cool you may feel at any given moment.
The origin of the word “climate” comes from the Greek word Klimatos, which means inclination. This inclination has to do with how much light and heat the equator receives over a period of time in a given area. This can be measured with an anemometer on a windmill or hygrometer for humidity.
As it relates to fashion, this inclination plays a huge part in dressing for your climate. The more inclination you have in your location, you will get more sun (duh). This is where common sense comes into play. I don’t need to tell you that it gets hotter when you go closer to the equator and colder when you go closer to the poles because that’s a fact.
What I will tell you is how to dress for different climates so that you can look and feel good without breaking a sweat or shivering in the cold.
It is important to dress for the climate. There is nothing worse than being cold and wet or too hot, sweaty and uncomfortable. Dressing for the climate can be tough, especially if you live in a place like New York City where it could be all four seasons in one day. The following guide will help you understand what you need to wear based on your local climate.
What do you wear when there is snow?
If you live in a colder climate, it is important to have a good winter coat and boots. While I have heard many people say they layer everything but the kitchen sink, I am not a fan of this method myself. I often get too warm and end up sweating a lot because of this, which actually makes me feel even colder than I would have been in just my coat.
One of the best methods that works well for me is to wear three layers of clothing (a shirt + sweater + coat). This way I am warm enough inside but not too bundled up to sweat or overheat once I get outside. If it is very cold out (below 20 degrees), then I add on an extra layer such as fleece leggings underneath my pants or a thermal top underneath my shirt/sweater combo. My favorite winter coats
I’ve been talking about climate. And weather. And how to dress for it. But what about the clothes themselves? How are they made?
The “how” and “why” of clothes has become a major point of conversation and debate in recent years. We’ve become more aware of where and how things are made, and people want to support companies that share their values. I want to be clear: I’m not here to tell you that Brand X is good / bad / evil / pure. That’s up to you to decide based on your own preferences and beliefs. If that’s something you’re interested in, I’d recommend checking out some resources like Good on You or Rank a Brand.
Today I just want to talk about the basics of where clothing comes from – because we never really learn that, do we? It’s not like they teach you this stuff in school (for the record, at this point in time my history knowledge is much better than my geography knowledge).
So here’s a crash course on what goes into making clothes – including leather, which will be a post of its own.
I’m going to make a bold claim: the average man’s style is much worse than the average woman’s. By “average” I mean people without interest in fashion, who buy clothes solely because they are cheap, fit and look “good enough.”
This isn’t an original observation; magazines like Esquire have been saying the same thing for years. But it’s not just that men don’t pay attention to fashion advice – men actively resist it. When someone tries to tell them about fit, or pattern matching, or any of the other basic building blocks of style, their eyes glaze over and they tune out.
One reason for this may be that men have fewer social cues that motivate them to dress well. For women there are obvious benefits – better jobs, more dates, more respect from both sexes. Male psychology is different; men need fewer external incentives (and less encouragement) to work on themselves and improve.
But there’s another reason guys ignore style advice: most of it is terrible. If you’re not interested in fashion and you stumble upon an article explaining how to match your shoes and belt, you might well conclude that fashion writers are clueless idiots – which of course many of them are. Even if you’re interested in dressing better, there’s