This is the first in a series of blog posts on how to make 90s synth music. The series will consist of tutorials on how to make 90s synth music in Logic Pro X and Ableton Live, as well as other DAWS.
The 90s synth sound has become somewhat of a popular trend lately, from songs like “Dangerous” by Big Data and “Young And Beautiful” by Lana Del Rey to the soundtrack for the recent films “Drive” and “Lost River.” I think this trend of 90s synth music is great, because, while I love EDM, it seems that today’s mainstream electronic music is sounding more and more similar. When I listen to some new electronic song, it sounds like it could have been made by any one of the big producers; there isn’t much individuality anymore. But the 90s was such a unique time for electronic music; each artist had their own distinct style. So this series will be an exploration into replicating those sounds using modern technology.
I’m starting the series with Logic Pro X because that’s what I use. However, most of these concepts can be applied to any DAW; you just need to find whatever tools are equivalent within your program of choice.
If you want to make 90s synth music in Logic Pro X, this tutorial will help you.
The 90s were a time of musical revolution. There were so many new styles and genres during that decade that it’s hard to keep up with them all. Electronic music was no exception, especially in the early 90s when acid house and techno were starting to take over the charts. With so many new sounds being created every day, it seemed like there was no limit on what could happen next!
To get started making your own 90s synth music, open up Logic Pro X and create a new project file called “90s Synth.” Then turn on the metronome by clicking on it in the toolbar at top left corner of screen or pressing Command+M (Mac) or Control+M (Windows). You can also set tempo by typing this into Terminal: defaults write ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false
Once these steps are done, you can now start making some awesome music!
The 90s was a time of experimentation with new sounds, especially when it came to electronic music. There was a lot of variety in the types of electronic music being produced. The most popular genres were trance, house, and techno, but there were smaller subgenres such as trip hop and gabber. The 90s brought about many innovative ideas that are still used today in modern electronic music production. The goal of this tutorial is to show you how to make 90s synth music using just one program: Logic Pro X!
We will start by creating a new project file and setting up our workspace. This will include adding an audio track for inputting our sounds with a microphone or keyboard controller (MIDI), as well as MIDI tracks which we will use later on when we start programming synthesizers.
Next we’ll add some effects like reverb, delay, and EQing so that our sound has more depth and clarity. We’ll also create automations for these parameters so they change throughout the song instead of staying static from beginning to end.
Lastly we’ll export everything into MP3 format so it can be played back on any device with ease!
In this blog post, I’ll teach you how to make a 1990s style synth in Logic Pro X.
The key to making a 90s inspired synth is the same as making any other synth: start with a good wavetable and add lots of effects. However, there are some additional considerations when trying to create the specific sounds that were popular in the 90s.
In this example, I’m using Logic Pro X and Native Instruments’ Massive plugin. While it’s not required, having access to Massive will allow you to follow along step-by-step. If you don’t have access to Massive, try using a similar synth plugin like Serum or FM8.
Step 1 – Select an Appropriate Wavetable
When building a sound from scratch in Massive, the first thing we need to do is select an appropriate wavetable. A wavetable is simply the starting point of your sound: its basic tone and timbre. The default wavetables that come with Massive are fine for making generic synth sounds but they’re not very useful if we want to make something reminiscent of a classic 90s synth. Luckily, Massive includes dozens of other tables that can be selected by clicking on the oscillator menu at the bottom left of the interface. In this example
In this post I will try to explain how to make a 90s electronic sound in Logic Pro X.
The sound I am aiming for is something like this:
I have made it with the help of some built-in synths and effects in Logic Pro X but you can do the same with other DAWs and plugins.
The first thing we need is a synth, preferably some kind of digital FM or subtractive synth. The one I am using here is called ‘Retro Synth’, which comes with Logic Pro X.
In addition to the built-in synths and effects, you will find other useful instruments/effects on my website if you want to go further:
The way to make a 90s house track with Logic Pro X is to make a copy of a 90s house track in Garageband.
The way to make a 90s techno track with Logic Pro X is to make a copy of a 90s techno track in Garageband.
The way to make a 90s dubstep track with Logic Pro X is to make a copy of a 90s dubstep track in Garageband.
The way to make a 90s drum and bass track with Logic Pro X is to make a copy of a 90s drum and bass track in Garageband.
The way to make a 90s trance track with Logic Pro X is to make a copy of a 90s trance track in Garageband.
The way to make a 90s vaporwave track with Logic Pro X is to make a copy of a 90s vaporwave track in Garageband.
1. Check the Key of your source material.
2. Create a new Software Instrument Track and select the ES2 Synth
3. Set the Oscillator Type to Sawtooth
4. Set the Filter Type to Low Pass 24
5. Set the Filter to Cutoff, Resonance and Drive
6. Change the Modulator Amount to 0, Velocity to 100, Rate to 30 and Intensity to 0
7. Select the Arpeggiator and set it up as follows: Mode – Up/Down, Gate – 70, Range – 3 ocatves, Tempo Sync – On, Speed – 1/4 note
8. Add a Reverb Effect with these settings: Mix – 75%, Size – 60%, Dampening – 50%, Predelay – 5ms, Dry Gain Offset – 5db, Wet Gain Offset – 5db, Dry/Wet Balance Offset +1db
9. Add a Compressor Effect with these settings: Threshold -0db, Ratio 4:1, Attack 20ms, Release 100ms, Makeup 0db and Dry/Wet Balance Offset +1db